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Battle of Aliwal 1846

Battle of Aliwal 1846
By Michael Perry

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Rebs pass through town

Well that's my first week blogging over have I enjoyed it Yes! it has been great getting the figures out of the cabinets and dabbling with the pictures.All the pictures have been taken on my i phone which I think proves its worth as a camera.Hope you enjoyed the pictures lots more to come.
Column march through town.

Tiger Zouaves Foundry figures.

More Foundry Zouaves painted by the War Office.

General Lee takes stock.

Stop that boy before he gives us away.

Southern Belle.

Full view of column passing by some fencing I made..

Scene from the Union camp not to far away drunk getting punished.

Reb prisoners being lead away.

Get the bacon on.

Union blacksmith.

hovels church converted and painted by Touching history.

Another camp scene foot sore solider tents from Rendra.

More fuel to the fire and it looks like the boy managed to out distance his pursuer.


  1. Hi Willie, you have some amazing stuff there! Just looked at your profile, and saw you live in Cumbernauld - I'm in Lenzie, so not far away. Hope you don't mind me following your blog, by the way, and thanks for joining mine!


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