Saturday, 29 October 2011


Hi Gent's,

First off I would like to thank  all who have taken the time to join this blog I have notice quite a jump in numbers over the last few weeks very grateful!
 Knowing that there are like minded people out there helps get you posting,if you look at the list of blogs I follow you will see its quite extensive so if you are following here and I have not returned the compliment please let me know, I am really interested in what others are doing in the hobby I know there is some  great stuff out there.
On a negetive note still having problems commenting with blogger tried to post comments on many blogs only to be told I don't have access seems to be 50/50 at present whether I can comment or not,so if you haven't had a comment from me this is usually the cause.

The 95th arrived yesterday from Dave Jarvis they are Perry and Foundry miniatures both sculpted by the Perry twins and in my opinion some of the best on the market.
 I was a bit concerned about the difference in size of these but once painted you don't notice.Dave has made a fantastic job of these so next up will be some Perry French Light infantry which I will send to him next week.
I also had some Offensive miniatures to go with these which the War office are painting at present along with some more Perry's so pics of these when they arrive but again the size difference may be a problem  they seemed to fit well with Foundry but looked very small with the Perrys.

95th advance through a town buildings from Touching History.

The figures are still to be based toying with the idea of individual bases for the most part of this unit..

These shots were taken last night will do some more in the daylight to really show the outstanding paint work.
Now the figures are painted I can't remember who is Foundry and who is Perry.
30 figures done here will almost double this with the figures coming from the War Office so will be able to do a grand skirmish with these at some point if i ever get them gaming.
I should really have waited till these were based before posting shots but couldn't resist.
Have to say the Foundry mules do come in handy for various eras just turn a blind eye to the arrows.
More troops arriving this morning so hopefully some shots of these over the weekend.
In fact theres the postie now so I am off!
Best wishes



  1. Really like these guys, they look fantastic Willie.

  2. Superb Willie! Love the shots, very envious.

  3. Again great pictures of troops in action. They look like they are moving about in their own miniature world...and they are!

  4. Great shots Willie and good to see the models I made for you getting some air time.

  5. Great looking figures and terrain! Nice shots too - really makes you feel you're there with them! Best, Dean

  6. Really nice and greatly posed figures.


  7. Excellent photos, terrain and figures! Where's Rifleman Harris?

  8. Great stuff. I love peninsular and you have a beautiful collection of figures and terrain here.

  9. Very nice additions to the collection.

  10. Thanks gent's really looking forward to seeing this grow over the coming year!

    The buildings are great must have some more!

    Harris still to be done as is Sharpe,the War Office had a great idea with Sharpe involving the Sean Bean figure fron the Lord of the rings set! interesting to see how it turns out.


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