Sunday, 15 January 2012

Peninsular keeps coming!

Hi gent's

This weeks new arrivals are Peninsular Portuguese line and 12th British light dragoons both from Victrix both units painted by the war office.I have a unit of Portuguese with Dave Jarvis at present hopefully have them for next weekend.I added the scenic to these last night but had run out of mini tufts so as necessity is the mother of invention I cut up a cheap  B&Q paint brush and used that looks OK to me.
 I also managed to paint a few knights this week and started the Ottomans last night too,I remember not so long ago Friday nights were Pubs and Night Clubs seems a distant memory now!
I reach the ripe old age of 45 next Friday so night out with the missus then, and then out with some clients to the football on Saturday two days on the trot is now quite hard going for me !

If you have visited here before you may remember that I had commissioned some figures to be sculpted for the Ottoman/Hungarian conflicts of the early 15th century.The first of the moulds should be produced next week so hopefully start showing these off before to long.

Victrix Portuguese.

Both Tony and Dave have commented on how good the figures are!

Flags also from Victrix.

Portuguese mounted officer.
British light dragoons.

These Victrix figures were sculpted by Paul Hicks.

Got to be one of my favourite units in the Peninsular.

These come with separate arms which helps give movement.
Waiting on a standard for this chap on the right.

Work in progress colouring these in at present as opponents of the Poles.
Loads happening here over the next few weeks so stay tuned.
Best wishes


  1. Portuguese are rather spiffing! Nice dragoons, too. Cheers, Simon

  2. Wonderful miniatures, the flags are superb. The improvised tufts haves nicely too.

  3. Beautiful Peninsular figures and photography. Love the Janissaries! Best, Dean

  4. As ever just really cool stuff!


  5. Great miniatures!! I specially like the portuguese... ;)

  6. All are great painted figures, but the British light Dragoons are my favorites to!


  7. Wonderful additions again. Dragoons are my favorites this time. Have a good night out Friday!

  8. Very nice looking minis !!!

    Best regards Dalauppror

  9. Lovely figures, painting and basing. Dragoons are very very nice.


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