Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Portuguese & 79th Highlanders

Hi gent's
I was hoping to post these at the weekend but got caught up in other things,so here they are now these were painted in January by Dave Jarvis.You will notice quite a difference in the amount of light in these pics and those of the highlanders which were taken tonight.
Victrx Portuguese By Dave Jarvis.
Figures sculpted by Paul Hicks.
Beautiful sculpts but I have to say that I found the bayonets quite brittle!
79th arrived today quite a big battalion 40 figures.
These are Perry sculpts painted by the war office.
The tartan is LBM transfer painted over.
These arrived on Saturday along with the RHA for the Brits.
More through the week.
Best wishes


  1. Very nice looking units !

    best regards Dalauppror

  2. Great stuff, I do like a well turned out Highland regiment, they just seem to lift the spirits!

  3. Very, very nice. When do you hope to get them into action?

    1. Hope to get gaming later this year,I have been having a lot of work done in the house since just before christmas which has knocked the games room out of action! (this has been used to store materail which cant be kept outside)
      Once this is complete I can get the games table built although I am still going over the best way to do this in my head.You will see the table come together on here.

  4. Very nice additions to your ever-growing collection!

  5. Very very nice !

    I hope to see more of this stuff soon!


  6. More goodies, love all these figures.

  7. lovely figures Willie. Very impressed.


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