Thursday, 19 April 2012


Hi gents,

Back from my hols yesterday back to work yesterday also after a nice long break not good after a transatlantic flight but have managed to fight the jet lag.Lots of new arrivals picked up/delivered today thought I would show another fledgling collection that will grow next year with the Trojans. Back to the Napoleonic that have arrived from Dave Jarvis today at the weekend these are a sight to behold!
Another surge in the followers over the last few weeks welcome to those who have joined much appreciated!
British  on the move.
Zulu on the move
Waiting on the patrol
Safe behind the sand bags?
Can almost hear them Zulu shout Usuthu
Zulu by Simon Chick cracking paint job.
British another eBay purchase.
This collection is on the list for next year.
last shot literally.
More new stuff at the weekend.
Best wishes


  1. Fantastic! Of course I'm slightly biased when it comes to this period. ;)

  2. There we go again, great stuff as usual..hope you enjoyed the hols

  3. Cracking stuff! Have you been tempted by the new Zulu range by Warlord/ Empress Miniatures?

  4. Nice action shots of the troops, Sir.

  5. Nice little collection. I've been always very tempted by that period, especially with the forementioned Empress now being on the market.

  6. Great!
    nice figures with perfect painting work!
    I'm impressed by the faces: incredible details: exactly what I'm unable to do!

  7. The last shot is the best of a great bunch, damn nice!

  8. Really lovely work sir, the skin tone on the Zulu's is particularly nicely done.

  9. Lovely start to a fantastic period. Looking forward to seeing some more.

  10. Great! I love the Zulus, amazing!


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