Monday, 4 June 2012

Some baggage

Hi gents,
Long weekend here so off today and tomorrow.I have been out and cut the grass both front and back of the house and also emptied the summer house which is going to be revamped this week.Took the kids a walk to the local pub for lunch and now its time for me.Set this up on my return to show off some of the baggage elements I am adding over the next couple of weeks.
Perry wars of the roses cart.

Mules are from foundry I have quite a number of these very useful for lots of eras.

I bought various carts and a few oxen for the baggage train.

Wall section at the rear with added firing step by touching history.

Cart and oxen painted yesterday along with a lot of goats and a couple of donkeys.

These chassurs also arrived this week from the war office.

This building by touching history goat by empress.

The baggage piece in the middle is resin very easy to paint.

More goats by me French by Dave Jarvis.
Best wishes


  1. Looks like the perfect spot to sleep off that pub lunch! ;) Another great set up Willie.

  2. 'Bag and Baggage!'

    Great set piece Willie. Nice.

  3. Great photo scenes, Sir. Also, the goat in pic#7 looks hungry to me. If I were the trooper I'd tuck my coat tails into my britches and point my bayonet at the little rascal.

  4. Wonderful photos Willie. Very nice work on the carts and the animals.

  5. very nice shots, great models and fantastic train models.

  6. Very good work and nice pictures!
    I like...

  7. As always great pictures and scene setting. I have purchased a couple of the WOTR carts, but not got around to painting them yet. You have done a fine job on yours.


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