Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Crusader Melee

Hi Gents,

The house is upside down at the minute with the decorators in which means my games room is out of action. It will be like the Grand old Duke of York at the weekend as the figures and cabinets are moved hopefully for the last time back to the room I had built for them a few years ago.
 The wife let slip last year that she didn't like the sight of all the cabinets in a room to the front of the house and to be fair I had always intended the extension to be the barracks for the troops. The down side is its not as large a room so some cabinets will have to go but on the plus side it is a much better room for taking pics.

I did a little set up in the kitchen tonight to show a few new arrivals from Dave I think I will re name him Dynamo as he has really worked his magic again.

Essex Bishop conversion  by me.

Another conversion by me Foundry/Perry and Fire Forge

Another conversion this time with some green stuff added to foundry figures and some more Fire Forge.

That's a Redoubt ACW head the bishop is holding.

The action takes place on a war hammer castle wall loads of this painted over the last few weeks.
Another conversion by me this time Coeur de Leon
Their was a lot of figures which arrived today so loads more to post. Once the house is back to normal I will get some more shots done.
Best wishes


  1. Excellent conversions and painting work !!

  2. Superb figures! Love all of them, but the bishop and Richard are great!

  3. Excellent minis! Nice conversions to bring them alive

  4. Excellent vignettes!


  5. Lovely minis as always Willie :)

  6. I like the Bishop - and in the words of Lord Blackadder, may I say how refreshing it is to see the Church take a firm position on social issues.
    ; )

  7. Thanks for all the comments folks!


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