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Battle of Aliwal 1846

Battle of Aliwal 1846
By Michael Perry

Sunday, 5 October 2014


Hi gents,

Really pleased with how this collection is coming along should look quite the thing once completed.The terrain I spoke of in an earlier post is on well on the way if you want to see how its progressing drop in at TM Terrains web site and click on the Facebook logo Dave is posting pics as the terrain progresses.

 I have still to add a fellow retinues of the more famous Barons and some more Military Orders Teutonic etc..I also need to pad out the foot a bit more to get the right balance  but getting there nonetheless.The Saracens still have a long way to go though but I aim to have this collection completed by this time next year.
Dave jarvis has been busy painting these up Duke Leopold of Austria arrives with the German Crusaders.

Typical medieval camp with food being prepared.
More knights this time with a games Workshop banner modified by me.
I have just ordered some new tents and will have these ones repainted to represent the crusader camp outside Acre.

Dave has been painting up wagons and other bits and pieces.

A disgruntled Leopold was responsible for the imprisonment of Richard Couer de Leon on his way home from the Crusade.

These figures from Mirliton

I bought a load of these banners from eBay once painted they look great

Crusader figures
And here is the terrain in progress this will measure 4 metres by 1.5 metres the city itself will have sea to three sides with the rear having a harbour.To the front of the city walls there will be a dry fosse which the crusaders had to overcome during their assaults on the walls. Outside the walls will be an area of plain where the action will be played out  this will also have a small village on a hill. .I will have to add ships etc to this something i am looking at  in the near future.

Thanks for stopping by


  1. Stunning minis !

    Your terrain build seems to be very impressive !

    Best regards Michael

  2. Great Miniatures, I am really looking forward to seeing the completed terrain!

  3. Really really great new additions Willie. I love the eagles on the German/Austrians.

    The city seems to come along nicely.

    "...I aim to have this collection completed by this time next year..."
    What is this, a completed collection? Never even heard of such a thing...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Splendid addition, Willie. That city is coming along very well too.

  6. Fantastic collection and photos Willie. I visited the castle that King Richard was imprisoned in a few years back in Durnstien and well worth a look if you ever go to Vienna. Looking forward to seeing the terrain completed.

  7. So beautiful!!! Love the camps and the civilians, can't wait to see this city!!

  8. They are jaw droopingly good Willie, I just love the additions of the camp followers that really set the scene.

  9. Wonderful looking figures Willie!!!

  10. looking great! cant wait to see it all finished!

  11. Love this stuff Willie, if only we lived closer - what wonderful times we could have!!


  12. Splendid figures - and what a start for a great looking town!


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