Sunday, 28 August 2011

More Punic Arrivals

Hi guy's,

These additions to the Punic war collection arrived this week from James Roach so thought I would share.The Romans are still to be completed but the Carthaginians are now done with the exception of some bits and pieces.
Managed to get an order for a couple of hundred figures off to The Assault Group and Redoubt today for some Spanish and Italians for the 16th century collection James is doing for me.
For the Swiss and Landsknechts I am going to use Foundry to go with the collection from Phil Olley.

New arrivals this week from James Roach.

Renegade figures.

imitation legionnaires.

James kindly added some extra standards he had for his own collection.

The shields are LBM transfers.

Monolith building with slingers atop.

This just about does the Carthaginians for me some Ellies and numidian horse still to be done.

Still have a bundle of Romans being done by James.

These will be based as the others on flames of war bases in the near future.


Last shot of the week.
Thanks for taking the time to visit.
Best wishes


  1. Those are some beautifully painted figures. You have quite the impressive collection of armies.

  2. Beautiful figures, them transfers are just superb!!

  3. Such a nice view. The Carthaginians are always a good army to look at

  4. Wow Willie. Fantastic collection.

  5. Nice work. I've not been converted to transfers yet, but they do look well.

  6. Really like the imitation Legionaries excellent


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