Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Union get out the cabinet.

Hi guys,
Caught the civil war on tv the other day which prompted me to get these out of the cabinet,it was that series along with the book the Battle Cry Of Freedom which propelled me into the civil war collection a few of years ago now its one of my largest collections.

Birds eye veiw.

The figures are all Foundry/Perry.

Flags by Flag Dude.

Action scenes like this really capture the moment.

Union in this collection 36 infantry regiments 24 figures in each.

There are 4 Zouave regiments in the Union collection.

Again the mix of figures I think adds to the whole theatre of this war.

Fencing and trees mostly from the Last Valley.

Barn by Paul of Touching History.

All painted by the War Office.

Not everyone stood their ground some figures skedaddling to the rear.
Next up Spanish buildings which are arriving from Touching history so some shots of these later this week.
Best wishes


  1. Inspiring as usual, Willie. By-the-way, what material is used for the tall grass in the "Zouave regiments in the Union collection" picture? Thanks.

  2. Bloody superb again! I really like the colour tone and finish to your figures. Any chance of a few hints and tips?


  3. Excellent model collection, and figures. I like the idea of collecting a civil war period army but I just don't think I have the stamina to paint that much blue or grey!

  4. Lovely Union troops Willie. Very, very nice photos.

  5. Top-notch stuff; looks like a museum showcase. Best, Dean

  6. Really great stuff and my favourite period btw!!!!


  7. Phew! Lovely pics.

    It's good to know that there is someone out there that has it worse than I do. ;-)


  8. Willie, you got some of the best I've ever seen.

  9. Lovely collection !!! realy impresive !

    Best regarsds dalauppror

  10. Thanks for the comments gents!
    I will ask the War office what the grass is first thoughts was mini tufts but looking again not so sure.
    Ask away the painting in the main is by the war office but Tonys very free with the painting info!
    Nobody but has it as bad as you!

    Welcome aboard!

    Thanks for visiting
    Best wishes

  11. There are some fantastic figures in your collection. Where do you get the flags from?

  12. Vinnie
    Flag Dude does the flags,first saw these by chance.
    A guy came into a model shop when I was buying some ACW figs, he had these in his car and kindly brought them in for me to have a look.Been using these ever since!


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