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Battle of Aliwal 1846

Battle of Aliwal 1846
By Michael Perry

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Italian Wars additions

Hi gents,

I am wondering if I can actually finish a collection before adding to another! currently on the go Ottomans/Venetians/ Byzantines/French Indian wars and Napoleonic.
This week saw the arrival of an additional 170 figures for my Italian wars collection theses have been painted by James Roach who still has quite a few hundred with him for colouring.I am hoping that some of them can cross over to the Venice in Greece collection which is still holding my attention.
In my defence these figures were sent off ages ago!!!

I still have hundreds of these to base but I am still debating how to do it.

I still have to get flags for these so the Venetian ones are standing in for these shots.

The figures are mainly TAG.

A couple of the Perry figures painted by Dave Jarvis in this shot also.

I am looking forward to completing this collection which will hopefully be done before the close of the year.

I like the mix of the Tag figures head gear.

Some vicious looking hounds.

Bought these from James also this week who had some spare.

Spanish Tag figures appear on the scene.
I am going to have to really think about the basing 95% of my collections are on plastic flames of war bases which have a nice bevelled edge.However the Italian wars collection I bought from Phil Olley has Games Workshop bases which I don't really want to re base so I will probably have to go down that route for continuity!!!!
Thanks for having a look.
Best wishes




  1. Nice additions to the collection.

  2. Very fine, Willie, very fine!


  3. Stunning minis Willie !!!

    Best regards Michael

  4. Inspired work, great looking pictures and wonderful colors!!

  5. Very nice additions Willie :)

  6. Great collection. I think I'd be in gamer's heaven if I could play with your treasures!

  7. Looking very good, Willie. I don't envy your basing conundrum!

  8. These look great. Rebasing is the bane of every wargamer IMHO. I don't envy you in that regard!

  9. Nice minis and well-staged shots. Reminds me of some renaissance paintings of battle scenes I've seen.

  10. This collection just gets better and better!

    Excellent blog.

  11. Willie, youre setups are simply amazing... Your stuff is just beautiful

  12. Amazing collection! Well done by James. They look like a fine Renaissance painting. Best, Dean

  13. Your collections are wonderful and huge, where on earth do you store them all Willie?

  14. Very inspirational, absolutely wonderfull stuff!

  15. Excellent! Every time I have a look, I'm sure to drool over your latest post. Gotta remember to bring a bib next time.

  16. Thanks for all the kind comments folks !
    I am pleased how this is starting to come together.

    @ Pat storage is becoming a problem which is why a lot of the additions remain un based at present.I have come up with a soloution when I finally install a permanet games table I will add storage underneath which should ease the problem at least for a few more years!!!!


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