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Battle of Aliwal 1846

Battle of Aliwal 1846
By Michael Perry

Wednesday, 15 April 2020


Hi gents hope this finds you all well and keeping safe. I haven't been posting for some time as work has been extremely busy but the collection keeps growing non the less. I have a few collections on the go at present Indian mutiny being one of them this is actually the 4th time I have started this collection most of the other three having been sold off over the years.

A busy street scene with some old and new figures.
I repainted the rope trick performer earlier on this year.

Some recent arrivals painted by DJ.

 Iron Duke figures with Foundry lady.

The lady in this pic is a conversion by me.

Loyal Sikhs & British command.

Foundry lady in the background.

I really like the Iron Duke figures.
Some mounted gentlemen.
And old foundry figures still standing the test of time.

Best wishes


  1. What a great pleasure to come back here, once again superb and very atmospheric!

    1. Phil thanks for your comment good to see you checking in!

  2. What a treat and lovely to see the Foundry miniatures alongside the Iron Duke ones, very tempting.

  3. Great to see you posting Willie. Your work on the Mutiny is not helping with my resistance.

    Would be great to see some photos of the room if it is finished. The last ones looked like it was going to be wonderful.


    1. Hi Richard thanks for the comment, I will try and post a pic or two of the room I'm quite please by how it turned out.

  4. Lovely looking figures, scenery and lighting!
    Best Iain

    1. Hi Iain thanks for the comment the terrain is actually for the Crusades collection but its very versatile. The lighting is that very hard to find item Scottish sunshine.

  5. Your figures and terrain leave me absolutely speechless!

  6. Mike,

    Thanks for your comment most kind of you!
    Best wishes

  7. Great to see you posting again, Willie! I love to see any/all of your colonials, Great Mutiny included! I also fully concur with you RE: old Foundry & new-ish Iron Duke Mutiny ranges -- both TOP NOTCH!

  8. Thanks Ethan hope your keeping safe over there.
    Best wishes

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