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Battle of Aliwal 1846

Battle of Aliwal 1846
By Michael Perry

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Onward Christian Soldiers Malta 1565

Hi Gents,

The Knights of Malta collection is coming along nicely the Christian forces mustering for the coming war.

Latest batch of figures received from Dave Jarvis yesterday.

One thing I noticed when I was doing these shots was how many monks I own I think I could start my own order.

The figure are a mix of Foundry and Warlord

The monks are from Foundry and Perry

Mounted figure is a conversion

I was plesently surprise to see this fellow I hadn't realised that any of the figures had the bandaged head when I sent them off

Birds eye shot of the army coming together at the cross roads.
Once again delighted by the figures but really need to get some sand to sort out the bases.
           I have came to the realisation that something has to give to make room for the new collections so have been selling some bits on eBay recently a few of the larger collections may go up for sale on here if anyone is interested my first Peninsular war armies French/British/Portuguese and Spanish the Crimean collection Russian and British and the Carlist collection pics can be seen in the sidebar of the blog if anyone is interested drop me a line and I can send a list with fresh pics.

                                                            Best Wishes


  1. Stunning pictures as always!

  2. Beautiful collection and stunning images. I would certainly be interested in any of your NWF or Sudan collections.

  3. Lovely pics - almost like Baroque paintings in their lighting, subject matter, and composition.

    Terrific work, showing some wonderful figs to the best possible advantage. Well done!

  4. Superb painting! You've done an amazing job staging these photos. Pure eyecandy.

  5. Willie, like Vinnie above, when and if the time comes, I'd be interested in your NWF, and also First Afghan War and possibly Sikh Wars figures.

    1. Hi Ethan I will let you and Vinnie know what's on the move.


  6. Thanks, Willie!

    After posting my above comment I realized I forgot to say BEAUTIFUL FIGURES, especially the banners and flags, and what I assume is a Perry carroccio looks amazing!

  7. Hi Willie, did you get my email about the Crimean figures?

    1. Roger,

      I haven't please resend to




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