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Battle of Aliwal 1846

Battle of Aliwal 1846
By Michael Perry

Saturday, 13 February 2021

Back posting

 All most a year since last post I had thought that lock down would have seen me posting more but surprisingly this was not the case. Long walks with my dog Bruno seem to have taken up most of my free time, photos of figures being replaced with photos of Bruno I think its now time to start posting again.

The collection continues to grow at a pace with additions to my TYW collection which arrived last month. A new Wild West collection being introduced painted by DJ

.I have James Roach working on more figures for the Punic wars Successors this time around and also have a small samurai contingent on the go.

 EBob committed to sculpting some more Byzantines for me so new foot figures waiting to be cast up.

Bruno atop the Antonine wall which is behind our house
 ( the house sits on the site of the Roman temp camp).
 The views are terrific in all directions you can see why the Romans picked this spot.

Wild West natives

Down Mexico way I have picked up some Apache
painted by Bugsda very nice work will post some pics at some point.

DJ at work here.
Foundry figures

Foundry figures

Byzantine conversion

Another Byzantine conversion

Last Emperor Constantine by Ebob



                     I hope to get some regular posts done I did try face book but prefer the blog for posting. 
                                                                       Best wishes


  1. Great to have you back! I particularly like your cavalry and indians.

    1. Duke I thought you would appreciate the cavalry and Indian set up I also started with the fort Apache set.

  2. Always a pleasure to look at your gems, love the picture "train+Indians"...Hope you're fine!

    1. Hi Phil all well thanks hope this finds you likewise. The train is an out Redoubt piece.

  3. Willie. I'm so very pleased to see you're posting again - love to see the progress of your collections. Hope the new room is giving you great pleasure.

    Also beautiful scenery from the top photo. Through pure luck we stumbled on a hotel called the Roman Camp in a small town called Callender

    1. Hi Richard,
      It is good to be posting again when I sat down yesterday to start this post I did wonder if I would remember how to do it. Wargames room is a great retreat from real world issues for sure.

      Callander is only 30 minutes from where I live it is a beautiful part of the world.

      Best wishes

  4. GREAT to see you back, Willie! Gorgeous looking new figures -- and fantastic paint-job on that train -- and very exciting to see your bespoke c.15th Byzantines! Since my last post about my Baba Wali game back in August I've had the same issue with lack of new posts on my blog... hopefully seeing yours here will inspire me to get back at it, so thank you my friend, and please keep it up! OH -- and that view with your dog in it is indeed fantastic!

    1. Hi Ethan,
      Good to hear from you my friend!
      The train was painted many years ago very versatile Sudan -ACW -NWF all get the use of it. The Byzantines has been an elusive project, I first got some Byzantine figures sculpted in 2013 can you believe that, here we are 8 years on and I'm still trying to complete.
      This time next year for sure!
      You're Kandahar/ Baba Wali was epic it took me all the way back to being a kid on a Saturday mornings watching old films set in the NWF.
      I do hope you keep posting its always a pleasure to see you terrain and figures. I was going to drop you a line when I saw the new first Afghan war figures from Iron Duke they will be on my purchase list this year.

      If you look to the left in the photo of Bruno you will see the canal and a group of boats at the marina we had lunch there when you visited.

      Best wishes

    2. Willie,
      What a happy memory my friend! I have to ask: what company made the train & by any chance do you happen to know if they still do?

    3. That was a good day!
      The train is from Redoubt I think they changed hands a while ago so not sure if they still do.

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