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Battle of Aliwal 1846

Battle of Aliwal 1846
By Michael Perry

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Conquistador s& Monks

Hi guy,s
officially stopped for the hols on Friday don't fly out until Tuesday so yesterday I had a rummage through some boxes to see what I could paint up.I don't have a lot of unpainted figures lying around as most of the collection is painted by others but I came across these monks from the perry crusade range can't even remember ordering these.

Perry's monks with one addition at the back with the big wooden cross can't remember which company he was produced by but I do remember he was in a dark age range.

The monks were doddle to paint only took two hours to do seven figures and that was the base as well.

I picked up these conquistadors a couple of years ago at the Wappinshaw in Glasgow from Sol away Crafts.

The great thing with the monks is that they can be used in many different era's without looking out of place.

These are to be added to later this year once I get round to purchasing the figures then their off to James Roach to be coloured in. James has an amazing Italian Wars collection which really brings the conflict to life.

Once the collection is complete they will all be based on larger bases for ease of movement.

Although the paint job on the figures was good I added a couple of highlights just to bring the folds out a little more.

A pity mark Copplestone never finished this collection I remember reading the preview list from foundry when these first came out and it was pretty extensive.

My collection will be Foundry/Tag with a smattering of Eureka with a few others to boot.

The Church in the back ground was made by Touching History if Paul ever has some more Spanish town buildings for sale I would be very interested.

Last shot of these for now maybe get some shots of another collection before I fly out if not nothing new here for the next few weeks. On the plus side  it allows the war office a bit of time to get some more of the collection done and also Josef has indicated that the first sculpts for the commission should be done around the time I get back.
Best wishes


  1. Lovely. The monks are great...I´d like to see them in 1/ you can use them for a lot of periods.

  2. Usefull for lots of periods indeed, and they're very good painted.
    Also the other figures are nice. Did I see sword with some damage in picture 8?


  3. Very nice looking figs, the conquistadors are particularly good, good find for Wappinshaw.

    Enjoy your hols when they come.

  4. Nice figures from two good ranges.

  5. Just an amazing collection you have, Willie...some of the best I've ever seen.


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