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Battle of Aliwal 1846

Battle of Aliwal 1846
By Michael Perry

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Ottomans v Cossacks

Hi Gents
Still really busy on the work front but came home tonight and took a few pics to unwind. The Ottomans are part of a collection that I am doing for the siege of Malta but I am going to extend them to cover the Siege of Azov campaign and wars against Peter the Great of Russia that's the great thing about Ottomans they span many century's with only minor changes in dress.

Ottoman Sultan
Ukrainian Cossacks

More fine work by Dave Jarvis

I mixed in a few Perry Turkcomans

I finished basing these last night still have a mountain of figures to do though
These figures are part of a collection bought fro Phil Olley a number of years ago

Still hundreds of these to be painted

More of the Cossacks.


  1. Willie,
    Dave has a wonderful technique, its almost impressionistic at times, it works especially well with more irregular armies.

  2. Such fabulously rich colours. wonderful stuff Willie.

  3. Wonderful pictures Willie!

  4. Nice additions to the collection.

  5. Delightful figures and diorama. Puts mine to shame. Well done.


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