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Battle of Aliwal 1846

Battle of Aliwal 1846
By Michael Perry

Saturday, 17 March 2018

New barracks taking shape.

Hi Gents,
Not posted for a while been busy renovating our new home hope to be in for summer as is fitting the first room to get treatment was the barracks for the troops

This is the side elevation of the barracks which over the course of the next couple of months should be connected back to the main house via a glass link corridor.

Inside starting to take shape the sheets of  insulation material you seen are 1200mm x 2400mm which gives an idea of the size of the room.

The room is nice and light 

This wall can take around 16 wall cabinets for the figures.

First cabinet has made its way down not looking forward to transporting the troops this will happen gradually over the coming months.
Next week will see the start of the building of the wargames table I will post some pics once complete hopefully it turns out as well as I imagine it . The table will be 1800 x 3800mm approximately with storage underneath for terrain boards.

And yes the collection is still being added to these flags by Mark Allen for the15th  Byzantine collection. I'm sending off the master figures for this collection to Griffin  next week it will be a small unique collection more of this in the summer.
Best wishes


  1. Holy cow, is that going to be an amazing studio space!!! Very envious and eager to see how things finally shape up.

    Best Regards,


  2. Nice job on the house...and splendid flags Willie!

  3. Looks a fantastic war room Willie!

  4. Oh my goodness me, what a fabulous space.

    1. I'm looking forward to having the troops rebilleted MichaelšŸ˜€

  5. Wow! Fantastic room Willie and I like the idea of the glass link corridor back to the main house. I look forward to seeing it all finished and the table in place.

    1. Thanks Pat still a wee bit to go but hopefully in by June.

  6. An excellent man cave sir...
    I do like the idea of the covered walk way to get there.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

  7. Looks wonderful Willie - will be great to see as it gets established and then filled out. Also noticed a hatch into the roof space? Perfect for toy storage :)

  8. Well spotted Richard I added a loft ladder to allow additional storage hopefully not required but you never know with us collectors!

  9. Willie,

    That is certainly a wonderful hobby room. Loads of natural daylight and excellent ceiling lighting. Great collections deserve great rooms.
    Nice to see more fantastic flags from MA. Mark mentioned the other evening he had painted some more for you.
    Thanks for sharing

  10. John,

    I'm looking forward to filling it with figures.
    Mark has been a great find another benefit from
    the A M G forum.

  11. Wonderful looking room Will and I am sure it will do justice to your tremendous collection.

  12. AMAZING, Willie! As already mentioned above, the light looks incredible, both overhead and through the windows. The game room looks fantastic! I envy all those who will be joining you there in the future, after it's completed! The glass corridor linking it to your new home sounds ultra-modern and very intriguing. You are living the miniature wargaming DREAM, and couldn't happen to a nicer, more deserving guy.

    One other great thing about your new game park: it should allow you to set up your entire Siege of Acre layout with the coastal sea and your impressive ships!


    PS I really hope to visit you again some time in the future... and stay long enough to play a game!

  13. ...and you can set up your entire SIEGE OF MALTA with your St. Elmo Fort. I think on the wargaming front I will be living vicariously through you, Willie!

  14. Thanks Ethan my doors open to you if you do find yourself over here I have some new things for the Malta collection happening but more of that later.

    Best wishes


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