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Battle of Aliwal 1846

Battle of Aliwal 1846
By Michael Perry

Saturday, 20 October 2018

15th Century Byzantine collection

Hi gents,
A few pics of my growing 15th century Byzantine war collection for the Venice in Greece wars.

I'm still looking for a suitable figure for the emperor Constantine this Crusader figure will have to do for the moment.

I managed to get Ebob to take a small commission for the troops but alas he didn't continue.

I have been converting the figures to add more variety. 

Mark Allen did a great job on the flags.
Standard bearer is another conversion.

This will be a small unique collection representing the armies in the twilight years of Byzantium.

Dave Jarvis has used his paint magic on the figures.

I have been using some foremost horses from Hinds figures I got this idea from John Rays SYW collection where the results he gets is outstanding.

The armies will be small DBA size armies.

I am adding to the Byzantines and also will add early Ottomans /Venetians /Genoese  and Timurid I'm looking forward to  putting this together but it will be a slow burner.
Best wishes


  1. Awesome pictures and figures once again, thanks for sharing Willie!

  2. Fabulously painted figures - and great photography as well.

    1. Thanks Dean its a hard collection to put together but worth it I think.

  3. Lovely figures and painting and a really interesting period!
    Best Iain

  4. Your pictures are quite beautiful. These figures will stand for a long time as quite unique and a perfect expression of the period.

    1. Thanks I'm slowly getting there with this collection.

  5. Its a beautiful collection Willie and its good to see you selecting some of the lovely Hinchliffe for their horses. I suggest you also check out some of their renaissance figures especially the later numbers which could fit with your units. They werent sculpted by Peter Gilder and are bigger than the original ranges. But there are some figures Im certain would suit.Well done again.

    1. Robbie Hinchcliffe horses seem to have stood the test of time I will have a look through the renaissance range. I remember I used to love seeing PGs gendarmes across the pages of the magazines I still marvel at them.

  6. Fantastic collection Willie, perfect in every way, but you need to finish the bases.
    Will have some earlier Ottomans for you to peruse in the new year in the Warfare range.

    1. Bob your correct I need to get the finger out and complete the bases. I plan to get onto these and others after I move into the new place.
      I'm looking forward to those early Ottomans.

  7. I am thinking that some of the Perry Bro's Stradiot would also work for what you are trying to do.

  8. Thanks Chris I do have some of the Perry figures they work very well.

  9. Beautiful start to the collection. This is one of my favourite periods and I think I have read the 1453 Siege of Constantinople at least five times.

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