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Battle of Aliwal 1846

Battle of Aliwal 1846
By Michael Perry

Thursday, 24 June 2021

15th Century Byzantines

Emperor and retinue.
Some conversions
Perry miniature's conversion

Top work by DJ again.
Inspiration for the parasol.


  1. Lovely gems, splendid colors!

  2. These are really interesting and beatifully painted figures Willie, I hope you continue to build this army as it is so unique.

    1. Its a very slow burner Oli but hopefully one day it will be complete.

  3. Absolutely beautiful figures Willie!

  4. That Jarvis is improving Willie. Your collection must be a sight to behold now, absolutely a work of art, well done.

    1. Robbie,
      I couldnt think of anyone else who could do these better. Daves style really suits this collection all the colouring is left to Daves imagination as he has been given very little to work from.

  5. They are absolutely beautiful Willie. I keep going back to the first photo and noticing more detail that I had not seen previously. I especially love the work done on the parasol (or whatever the Byzantine name would be).


  6. Richard,
    Thanks for your comment there is more going on than first meets the eye. I can't praise Dave enough the parasol is based on an Ethiopian brolly used in a modern religious ceremony, that's one of the wonders of google.

  7. Wow, your painting is better than the real thing!
    Regards, James

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