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Battle of Aliwal 1846

Battle of Aliwal 1846
By Michael Perry

Tuesday, 6 April 2021


Hi Gents,

A few additions to my TYW collection 

The Lion of the North

Some Croats with unlucky civilians
Albrecht von Wallenstein and escort.

A Croat.

Gustave Adolphus

More unlucky civilians.

Some Swedes from the yellow regiment.

Best wishes



  1. Given the beautiful horse shades I assume Willie they are products of Mr Jarvis?

    1. They are indeed painted by DJ well spotted Robbie! I'm adding to the collection I purchased years ago that used to belong to Barry Hilton.

  2. Wow. Simply wow.

  3. Love the Swedish army of the TYW! Yet another period for you to conquer in your indubitable fashion! On a side note: is that an old school Conflix building in the b.g. of the last 2 pics? I have a bunch of them I used for HYW and WOR Medieval games. I'm a big fan. I thought they were an excellent value when first on the market -- fully finished & nice-looking 28mm buildings for a reasonable price.

  4. Thanks Ethan,
    Also well spotted that is a Conflix building in the background, they are excellent value for the money and you can still pick them up cheap on ebay from time to time.

    Best wishes

  5. Fine additions to your superb collection Willie.

  6. Beautiful painting and great vignettes 👍

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